荧光原位杂交(FISH)是一种利用荧光标记的核酸片段为探针,与组织、细胞或染色体上待测DNA或RNA互补配对,结合成专一的核酸杂交分子,通过荧光检测系统将待测核酸在组织、细胞或染色体中的位置显示出来的技术。 由锐博生物自主研发的RNA FISH检测探针(FISH Probe Mix),创新性地改进了RNA分子的特异性核酸探针数量及标记方式,极大地提高了探针灵敏度,能满足细胞中RNA的准确定位要求,结合激光共聚焦显微镜可清晰地展示RNA的分布情况,为RNA功能及作用机制研究提供强有力的工具。此外,还可搭配FISH必备的RiboTM FISH试剂盒和FISH内参对照(18S或U6),真正让您的实验事半功倍。 由于FISH Probe Mix具有如下特点:◎ 定位准确,核内核外清晰明了,功能机制更易确定◎ 灵敏度高,信号放大倍数平均达到160倍,轻松定位低拷贝数RNA◎ 特异性强,集群式的FISH探针能够最大限度地保证FISH信号的高特异性 因此,自FISH产品上市以来,得到了国内外广大客户的认可与信赖,使用锐博FISH产品发表的SCI文章已有2000多篇,越来越多的客户文章发表在了诸如Nature Cell Biology、Nature Metabolism、Cell Stem Cell、Cell Research、Molecular Cell、Science Advances、Nature Communications、Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy、Advanced Science等国际知名期刊。 而众所周知,锐博FISH产品是可以用于细胞定位的,已经有很多客户发表的高分文章成功案例(见文末:FISH细胞定位成功案例客户高分文献)。最近,小编收到了很多客户咨询该FISH产品是否可以用于组织检测?以及是否有成功的案例可以参考?今天就给大家简单整理了几篇锐博FISH探针用于组织定位检测的客户文章,希望可以对各位小伙伴有所帮助,也相信使用这个RNA FISH定位分析方法,可以给您的研究带来更多不一样的惊喜! 客户应用案例1:Cell Research丨A novel pathway regulates social hierarchy via lncRNA AtLAS and postsynaptic synapsin IIb 研究模型:社会等级调控目标分子:lncRNA AtLAS组织类型:小鼠脑切片实验目的:为了探索lncRNA是否以及如何参与社会等级的建立,通过特定的RNA探针进行FISH检测以了解AtLAS的组织和细胞定位实验结果:AtLAS位于细胞核和细胞质区域,并分布在整个大脑中 (e) Representative images of fluorescent in situ hybridizations (FISH) of AtLAS co-labeled with DAPI (blue) in cultured prefrontal cortical (PFC) neurons. 18S rRNA as the cytoplasmic control.(f) Representative images of FISH of AtLAS in medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) co-labeled with DAPI (blue).(g) AtLAS expression profiles in different brain areas detected by qRT-PCR. Ob, olfactory bulb; Str, striatum; Hp, hippocampus. 参考文献:Ma M, Xiong W, Hu F, et al. A novel pathway regulates social hierarchy via lncRNA AtLAS and postsynaptic synapsin IIb[J]. Cell research, 2020, 30(2): 105-118. 客户应用案例2:Cell Stem Cell丨A Linc1405/Eomes Complex Promotes Cardiac Mesoderm Specification and Cardiogenesis 目标分子:Linc1405组织类型:小鼠E10.5胚胎心脏区域实验目的:为了探索linc1405对心肌分化的重要作用,通过FISH实验验证linc1405在心脏中的表达情况实验结果:linc1405显示在E10.5胚胎心脏区域表达,暗示linc1405可能对心脏发育至关重要 (A) Histograms showing the relative expression levels of linc1405 in fetal tissues (heart, hindleg, foreleg, brain, kidney, stomach, liver, and lung) from E16.5 mouse embryos.(B) Representative image of FISH for linc1405 (red) in the heart area of E10.5 embryos. 参考文献:Guo X, Xu Y, Wang Z, et al. A Linc1405/Eomes complex promotes cardiac mesoderm specification and cardiogenesis[J]. Cell Stem Cell, 2018, 22(6): 893-908. e6. 客户应用案例3:Molecular Therapy丨FOXO3A-induced LINC00926 suppresses breast tumor growth and metastasis through inhibition of PGK1-mediated Warburg effect 研究模型:乳腺癌生长和转移目标分子:LINC00926组织类型:BC组织(石蜡组织切片)实验目的:为了探索乳腺癌中调控PGK1的上游lncRNAs,通过FISH检测109个人类乳腺癌样本中LINC00926的表达实验结果:LINC00926的表达与PGK1的表达呈负相关,与FOXO3A的表达呈正相关。暗示LINC00926/PGK1轴在乳腺癌中的重要病理作用 (A) Representative IHC staining for FOXO3A and PGK1 and FISH staining for LINC00926 in BC patients. CASE 1 and CASE 2 refer to two representative samples categorized by high and low LINC00926 expression.(B) The correlation of glucose uptake in breast cancer patients with FOXO3A and LINC00926 was determined using the Mann Whitney U test. CASE 1 and CASE 2 refer to two representative samples categorized by high and low FDG uptake. 参考文献:Chu Z, Huo N, Zhu X, et al. FOXO3A-induced LINC00926 suppresses breast tumor growth and metastasis through inhibition of PGK1-mediated Warburg effect[J]. Molecular Therapy, 2021. 客户应用案例4:Theranostics丨CircCDK14 protects against Osteoarthritis by sponging miR-125a-5p and promoting the expression of Smad2 研究模型:骨关节炎(OA)目标分子:CircCDK14组织类型:软骨样本实验目的:为了探索新型circRNA因子CircCDK14在OA发病过程中的作用,并阐明其分子机制。通过RNA FISH检测人类样本中负重区和非负重区CircCDK14的表达水平实验结果:与非负重区相比,CircCDK14 在关节负重区的表达显著下调 (C) Expression levels of CircCDK14 was detected by RNA FISH in weight bearing area and non-weight bearing area in human samples. 参考文献:Shen P, Yang Y, Liu G, et al. CircCDK14 protects against Osteoarthritis by sponging miR-125a-5p and promoting the expression of Smad2[J]. Theranostics, 2020, 10(20): 9113. 其他用于组织检测的成功案例还有:[1] Xu Q, Guohui M, Li D, et al. lncRNA C2dat2 facilitates autophagy and apoptosis via the miR-30d-5p/DDIT4/mTOR axis in cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury[J]. Aging (Albany NY), 2021, 13(8): 11315.[2] Chen Z, Zhuang Q, Cheng K, et al. Long non-coding RNA TCL6 enhances preferential toxicity of paclitaxel to renal cell carcinoma cells[J]. Journal of Cancer, 2020, 11(6): 1383.[3] Huang W, Shi Y, Han B, et al. LncRNA GAS5-AS1 inhibits glioma proliferation, migration, and invasion via miR‐106b-5p/TUSC2 axis[J]. Human cell, 2020, 33(2): 416-426. FISH细胞定位成功案例客户高分文献:[1] Chen S, Zhu G, Yang Y, et al. Single-cell analysis reveals transcriptomic remodellings in distinct cell types that contribute to human prostate cancer progression[J]. Nature Cell Biology, 2021, 23(1): 87-98.[2] Sang L, Ju H, Yang Z, et al. Mitochondrial long non-coding RNA GAS5 tunes TCA metabolism in response to nutrient stress[J]. Nature Metabolism, 2021, 3(1): 90-106.[3] Shi L, Liu B, Shen D, et al. A tumor-suppressive circular RNA mediates uncanonical integrin degradation by the proteasome in liver cancer[J]. Science Advances, 2021, 7(13): eabe5043.[4] Li Y, Chen B, Zhao J, et al. HNRNPL Circularizes ARHGAP35 to Produce an Oncogenic Protein[J]. Advanced Science, 2021: 2001701.[5] Wang X, Liu C, Zhang S, et al. N6-methyladenosine modification of MALAT1 promotes metastasis via reshaping nuclear speckles[J]. Developmental Cell, 2021, 56(5): 702-715. e8.[6] Xie F, Huang C, Liu F, et al. CircPTPRA blocks the recognition of RNA N 6-methyladenosine through interacting with IGF2BP1 to suppress bladder cancer progression[J]. Molecular cancer, 2021, 20(1): 1-17.[7] Shen P, Yang T, Chen Q, et al. CircNEIL3 regulatory loop promotes pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma progression via miRNA sponging and A-to-I RNA-editing[J]. Molecular cancer, 2021, 20(1): 1-22.[8] Cen J, Liang Y, Huang Y, et al. Circular RNA circSDHC serves as a sponge for miR-127-3p to promote the proliferation and metastasis of renal cell carcinoma via the CDKN3/E2F1 axis[J]. Molecular cancer, 2021, 20(1): 1-14.[9] Xu Y, Xi J, Wang G, et al. PAUPAR and PAX6 sequentially regulate human embryonic stem cell cortical differentiation[J]. Nucleic acids research, 2021, 49(4): 1935-1950.[10] Liu J, Liu Z X, Wu Q N, et al. Long noncoding RNA AGPG regulates PFKFB3-mediated tumor glycolytic reprogramming[J]. Nature communications, 2020, 11(1): 1-16.[11] Dong Z, Gao M, Li C, et al. LncRNA UCA1 Antagonizes Arsenic‐Induced Cell Cycle Arrest through Destabilizing EZH2 and Facilitating NFATc2 Expression[J]. Advanced Science, 2020, 7(11): 1903630.